Over the months of February, March and April, all Cougar Paw advisories at Dirigo High School will design and implement a community service project of their choice, working together to have a positive impact on the greater Dirigo community, leaning into our school name - Dirigo, “I Lead”.
"Caring Cougars Day" is in its second year of implementation and is intended to be an annual event each spring. Student-lead groups are looking for opportunities to serve their community on Friday, April 12 (April 26 is our rain date).
If you have any possibilities, such as (but not limited to) yard work, flood clean up, park/ball field clean-up and prep, trail work, wood stacking, etc or simply have questions about our planned day, please reach out to: Rebecca Fletcher by emailing rfletcher@rsu56.org, or calling 562-4251.